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"PEODOAFFILIATION!" Sicko sex shop owners and customers arrested due to selling and buying

In several major cities accross the U.K the Police have been arresting sex shop owners and customers for the sale and purchesing of 'sexy school girl outfits', after a new law had been past in parliament on wednesday forbidding the sale of anything that sexualises children in anyway. The police say they're going to be targeting online vendors too aswell as Amazon and eBay for selling these discusting outfits. We asked passers by what they thought of the situation "I'm horrifide that this has been going on for so long, I've walked past this place nearly everyday and saw the school girl, the sexy nurse and sexy french maid costumes but I just thought it was all toungue in cheek fun, it never even occured to me untill you asked me about it just now." said one woman. We questioned one of the arrested customers while he was handcuffed face down ne the floor he said "I only came in to buy some anal beeds for my girlfriends birthday present." We also managed to speak to the owner of the sex shop "hardly anyone even buys these sexy costumes anymore it's not the 90's for f**k sake, most people who come in here and buy these costumes are cross dressing men!"

(Source - One man was in an outrage as he said that he wont be able to watch porn anymore, because he doesn't know how to use the internet and doesn't even own a computer "how am I supposed to bash my shaft now? I have no imagination, I sold it for a weeks worth of morphine!" he said in a rage. We also spoke to an enraged woman stood wth her partner saying "good as a teen myself I hope they all get took round the back an exucuted by firing squad the sick bastards." Her boyfriend added "yeah they should just wait till school girls are 16 then there's no problem, like I did with you didn't I dear? "Yeah I thought it was a bit creepy a 37 year old to keep spying on me through the school gates at first, but when I found out you was waiting till I was the legal age I thought it was so sweet of you my big pervert you" she said with a laugh and a loving smile.

(source -

A spokesperson for the police had said they're going after Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus and pretty much every womans clothes store that sell clothes for children. She added all girls under the age of 16 should be wearing long unflattering dresses or thick jumpers and baggy trousers, jeggins and skinny jeans are banned for girls under the legal age of consent. - Xan Rameka

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